Adaptive Human Performance

Adaptive Human Performance (Adaptive HP) was born out of knowledge and passion for the sport of cycling. Through seeing the gap which exists between the services that even professional cyclists have access to, and the services that can be offered when a scientific approach is taken, the idea for Adaptive HP emerged. 

At Adaptive HP we use cutting edge technology and scientific rigour to assess and analyse biomechanical qualities that influence comfort and performance. We understand that performance requirements differ greatly for the amateur through to the elite athlete and our service delivery is adapted appropriately.  



“Sports Science Consulting services, delivered by degree-qualified professionals working within their dedicated field of expertise.”   



Sports Scientists


Ken Ballhause

Sports Scientist
B. Exercise & Sports Science
B. Health Science (Clinical Myotherapy)


Inspired by the application of exercise physiology and biomechanics, Ken’s keen interest in Sports Science lies in understanding the demands that competitive cyclists face and where improvements in performance can be made. 

Ken’s background in cycling began with mountain bikes, racing downhill at both a State and National level. His interest in cycling is now focused on road and endurance track racing, coinciding with the diversity of options available locally in Melbourne.    

AHP is the recognition of the role that a scientific approach has in improving the outcome of cycling, be it for health or performance. For Ken, AHP is the application of knowledge gained in both Exercise Science and Health Science degrees, mixed with a passion for the sport of cycling. 

Dr. Evelyn Parr

Exercise Physiologist
Ph.D. (Exercise Metabolism)


Being a teenage competitive swimmer with a keen interest in all things science, Evelyn (Ev) was drawn to the University of Otago – having both a Sports Science program and a swimming flume (water treadmill). Following undergraduate she got stuck into research, completing her masters on female cyclists’ metabolism in the cold.

A move to Melbourne saw her pick up a second hand bike for commuting, which soon developed into making the most of the cycling opportunities we have locally. Ev’s love of cycling grew out of the flourishing cycling community and exploring Melbourne with friends.

Through her role in research, Ev has developed a passion for disseminating science to the everyday cyclist. In her post-doctoral role at Australian Catholic University’s Centre for Exercise and Nutrition, cycling continues to be a medium in exercise research.  

For Ev, AHP creates the perfect combination of science and cycling through the ability to provide research-quality services with information that can be utilised by any level of cyclist.